Swap out tortilla wraps for collard greens to hug colorful, nutritious ingredients.
This fun, healthy recipe has plenty of opportunity for creativity. In fact, assembling these wraps was equally as fulfilling as eating them! Collard greens provide a low glycemic alternative to tortilla wraps and pack plenty of nutrients including vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, fiber, calcium and iron. Hummus and quinoa provide plant-based protein sources which balance carbohydrate intake and help maintain blood sugar levels. Leave a comment letting me know what colorful fruits and vegetables you would include!

- 1 bunch of collard greens
- 2 cups cooked quinoa or couscous (cooled)
- 1 avocado, chopped
- 1 small mango, chopped
- 1 large tomato, chopped
- hummus to spread (try my Garlic Turmeric Hummus)

How to:
- Cook the quinoa the day before to save time (I make a huge batch and store in fridge up to 5 days). If you haven’t cooked quinoa before, it is the same deal as rice. If you haven’t cooked rice before, well, Google it.
- Trim the thick stems off the collards, even carrying on up past where the leaf begins making an incision in the leaf surrounding the base of the stem (see picture below).
- Blanch collards to remove bitterness: plunk each leaf in boiling water for 10-15 seconds and place directly into cold water to cool off. Pat dry and lay on flat surface to begin packing your wraps.
- Spread hummus down center of wrap length-wise.
- Place quinoa spoonfuls on top of the hummus.
- Add avocado, mango and tomato (this may take some experimenting to determine how much filling can fit in your collard leaves).
- Roll and fold wraps by bringing the two widths together first and then tucking in the two length edges. I discovered hummus makes a great glue to keep the wraps from falling apart. Toothpicks may help as well.
- Serve and/or store in containers in the fridge for lunches.
PCOS Powers:
- collard greens = anti-inflammatory, high in iron and calcium, may help lower total cholesterol more than other cruciferous vegetables esp. when steamed
- avocados = anti-inflammatory, low glycemic index, high in fiber, may help lower LDL “bad” cholesterol and maintain normal serum total cholesterol levels, contain glutathione which has anti-carcinogenic properties and may boost immunity
- tomatoes = high in chromium and lycopene which can help manage insulin resistance
- turmeric = anti-inflammatory, helps lower blood glucose levels
- garlic = helps lower cholesterol, an antibiotic, & blood cleanser which relaxes blood vessels for easier blood flow

- Kahlon TS, Chiu MM, Chapman MH. Steam cooking significantly improves in vitro bile acid binding of collard greens, kale, mustard greens, broccoli, green bell pepper, and cabbage. Nutrition Research. 2008;28:351-357.
- Dreher ML, Davenport AJ. Hass avocado composition and potential health effects. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition. 2013;53:738.
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