Notice: Undefined variable: text_domain in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-category-posts-list/wp-category-post-list.php on line 56

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PCOS Support Group Calls - Phruitful Dish

PCOS Support Group Calls

Join Dr. Cutler and other PCOS warriors for an online support group session.

This hour together is to share your struggles with PCOS, learn coping skills from Dr. Cutler, and connect with other PCOS fighters.

There will be three separate sessions to accommodate all time zones. Each of these sessions has 6 spots available.

Zoom Call Options:
April 14, 5-6 pm PST
April 15, 8-9 am PST
April 16, 7-8 pm PST

Rate: $14 USD

Save your spot now by emailing Dr. Cutler at